it may seem like your preschooler has the innate ability to push you to
the outer edge of your patience. And that's on a good day.
not, moms and dads. You're not alone. Preschoolers want to own their
newfound independence. But they also want the close attention and love
of their caregivers.
Michele Borba, EdD, author of The Big Book of Parenting Solutions, says, "These ages (3-5) are among the most active and frustrating in terms of parenting.
Here are eight common mistakes parents of preschoolers make and some smart fixes to help avoid or resolve problems.
1. Straying Too Much From Routines
Consistency is key for preschoolers, says pediatrician Tanya Remer Altmann, author of Mommy Calls: Dr. Tanya Answers Parents' Top 101 Questions about Babies and Toddlers.
When you're not being consistent with your routine, preschoolers get confused and may act out more or throw more temper tantrums. Altmann says, "If sometimes you let them do something and sometimes you don't, they don't understand."
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Your child probably wants to know why last time Mommy let her play on the playground
for 10 minutes when school got out but this time wants her to get in
the car right away. Or why did Mommy laid down with her for 10 minutes
last night while she fell asleep but now says she can't.
Fix it: Be consistent across the board -- whether it's with discipline, sleep habits, or mealtime routines.
says if your routine is consistent 90% of the time and your child is
doing well, then so are you, and a minor exception may be OK.
2. Focusing on the Negative
It's easy to hone in on your child's negative actions -- like yelling and screaming -- and ignore the good ones.
says parents tend to focus on what they don't want their preschoolers
to do. "They'll say, 'Don't hit. Don't throw. Don't say 'poopy pants,'"
she says.
Fix it: Notice when your child is doing something positive, and reward the good behavior.
reward for positive actions can be your praise, or it can be giving
your child a big hug or kiss. "Those types of things really go a long
way with preschoolers," Altmann says.
Tell your
child, "I like the way you sat quietly and listened," or "That was good
when you were so friendly to the child on the playground."
3. Missing the Warning Signs
often try to reason with children when they're in the throes of a
temper tantrum, repeating, "Calm down, calm down." But that's like
trying to reason with a goldfish, Borba says. "You've got power
immediately beforehand when you can still distract or anticipate. But
once the tantrum is in full force, you've lost it. The kid is not
hearing you."
Fix it: Figure out and anticipate what your kid's natural warning signs are, Borba says. The usual ones are hunger, fatigue, and boredom.
So don't take your child to the supermarket unless she's napped or you've stashed a healthy snack in your purse.
4. Encouraging Whining
your child's whining drive you crazy? For instance, does it drive you
up the wall when, right before dinnertime while getting ready to
preparing food, your child starts crying, "I wanna go to the park," or
"I wanna go play with Riley."
Borba says parents
often give in to these whines, but this only reinforces the
attention-getting behavior. Your child will figure out which buttons to
push and then push them over and over again.
"This is the age when your children come out of their shells," she says. "Watch out, because they figure out what works."
Fix it: Ignore it.
behavior that isn't aggressive, like a whine or sulk, you're better off
if you don't respond to it at all. If you're consistent, Borba says,
your child will think, "Well, that didn't work."
5. Overscheduling Your Child
often line up a slew of activities, like dance or music classes. Then
they wonder why their child isn't getting in bed and falling asleep
right away after so many activities that must have made her tired.
problem, Altmann says, is that they're still wound up and need time to
calm down. Every child needs down time, especially preschoolers, she
says. Whether your child is at preschool for two hours or there all day,
it can be very exhausting.
Fix it: Don't
overschedule your child or shuttle him from one activity to the next.
Give your child time to unwind with free play when he gets home from
6. Underestimating the Importance of Play
parents feel they should sign their children up for enrichment programs
to give them an edge. But that's not really the case.
What's most enriching at this age, says psychologist Lawrence J. Cohen, author of Playful Parenting, is free play. That includes dramatic play (make believe), rough housing, and goofing around.
play is how children's brains develop best," he says. "In play,
children will naturally give themselves the right amount of challenge --
not too easy or too hard."
Fix it: Allow your
child time and space for free play. Remember that preschoolers define
play as "what you do when you get to choose what to do."
choice -- the voluntary aspect of play -- is important, Cohen says.
"Preschoolers love to vacuum or do housework, but it's play. It's not on
their chore list. They've chosen to do it and they're just doing it for
fun," he says.
7. Getting Distracted By the Daily Grind
child may play well independently, but that doesn't mean he or she
doesn't crave your attention. "There's something children miss out on if
parents don't get on the floor and play with them," Cohen says.
only do parents not get down and play, many parents are too easily
distracted by their cell phone, email, or other multitasking. "Kids
aren't dumb," Cohen says. "They know whether we're really paying
attention or not."
Fix it: Set a timer, be enthusiastic, and stay involved for your designated play period with your child.
half an hour of concentrated play where you give your undivided
attention and you're not worried about dinner or work," Cohen says, "is
better than all day when you're only half paying attention."
8. Overreacting to Lies
says lying really freaks parents out. He urges parents to see the
behavior as experimenting rather than as "a moral thing."
children start to lie, it's a big cognitive advance," he says. "It's
kind of exciting and a little bit scary. It has an emotional charge. But
then parents freak out and have visions of their child in prison, so
they get very tense and anxious about it."
Fix it: Don't overreact. Know that telling a fib or two is a normal part of your child's development.
don't get hung up on the lie itself, Cohen says. For instance, if your
little Pinocchio is denying he had anything to do with a spill, you can
say matter-of-factly, "You feel bad about that and I understand."
parenting takes time, patience, and love. It also takes remembering
that changes may not happen overnight. But as the old maxim goes, "If at
first you don't succeed, try, try again." And again.
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